Friday, February 8, 2008

Da Horse....

Last night, I returned home from a fun girls night - bunko. I was just trying to take care of a few things around the house. It was about 10:30 and Mike was in bed watching t.v. - in marches - little Zoe - polka dot pajama's and all and proceeds to climb into bed and snuggle down into the crook of her dad's arm - and we think drift back to sleep. She has been feeling pretty sick - progressively getting worse since Monday - with a hacking couph and a fever. Knowing this, Mike was especially accomadating of his little night visitor. Around 11 I finally slipped into bed and we were randomly watching who knows what and what commercial should run - one like my new background. The Zoe we thought was drifting off to sleep - her arm shot up pointed to the screen of these beautiful galloping horses - and loudly exclaimed "da horse"........ Zoe has few loves - well since her birthday on the 24th - she now has many more loves - her true love is horses... horse was truly her first word. She is so fun - so easy going -but truly truly so happy with a huge stuffed horse in her bed, a horse to hold and a horse to take whereever she goes.
a little side not e- I did take her to the Dr. the next morning - Zoe's confirmed misery sickness has a name - strep...... we opted for the shot -(don't even get me started on that experience) but it really was my best option because she is horrible about talking medicine. Zoe was so upset beyond upset crying all during the shot and after. He little bum is still quite sore - all 22 pounds of her. Oh we love her so - our little Zoe